Albania country pavilion in Biofach 2020, a success story!
Albania came back to BioFach 2020 in great style! With such a rich offer of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs), Albanian companies could not miss out on the largest organic trade fair in Europe. Supported by AIDA - Albanian Investment Development Agency, Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) and RisiAlbania, 5 high -quality companies exhibited at BioFach, and reached very good results and got excellent exposure. SIPPO's strategy for the trade fair was delivered by Gustavo Ferro and supported by Kasper Kerver.

Albania came back to BioFach 2020 in great style! With such a rich offer of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs), Albanian companies could not miss out on the largest organic trade fair in Europe. Supported by AIDA - Albanian Investment Development Agency, Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO), Association of Medicianl and Aromatic Plants (AMAP) and RisiAlbania, 5 high-quality companies exhibited at BioFach, and reached very good results and got excellent exposure.
SIPPO supported and worked closely with AIDA as a team, and with support of AMAP, to organize this big event through facilitation with stakeholders, Biofach organizing team and third party service providers. The focus of SIPPO intervention is to build capacities of the AIDA and AMAP in organizing successful country pavilions and export promotion activities in general. SIPPO's strategy for the trade fair was delivered by Gustavo Ferro and supported by Kasper Kerver. The preparation workshop was key for building capacities of AIDA staff and companies to deliver exceptional performance during the fair.
The preparation workshop for Biofach 2020 used a content and methodology targeting both the capacity-building of BSOs and the performance of Albanian companies at the trade fair. The workshop incorporated strategic marketing concepts, and presented many different resources for companies and BSOs to find and assess the suitability of potential buyers, as well as tips and tools on how to approach them before and during the trade fair + follow up effectively after the trade fair. While the content mainly focused on the food and cosmetics as end-users of medicinal and aromatic plants, Gustavo Ferro used examples of food supplement and other health applications as well – both providing wide opportunities for Albania’s product offer.
Albania pavilion performance was above any expectation with around 600 contacts and more than 17 contracts with only 5 companies from Medicinal and Aromatic plants sector. Looking forward to the next edition!