Branding of Tunisian Dried Tomatoes for accessing new markets.
As a continuation of the work to develop a national strategy for the promotion of the dried tomato sector, the Groupement des Industries de Conserves Alimentaires "GICA" organised a round table meeting on 17 February 2021 with the participation of the SIPPO programme, the PAMPAT project and various other stakeholders such as dried tomato exporters and technical experts in the sector.

The meeting focused on the topic of the branding of dried tomatoes. It was rich in sharing experiences and in knowledge transfer how to create a unique value proposition around the product and its opportunities to enter new international markets.
SIPPO supports GICA in its efforts to develop and promote the export of sun-dried tomatoes. It strengthens their capacity to define their own brand and/or private label strategy. This is done in close coordination with the PAMPAT project, and this ensures complementarity and consolidates efforts between the two programmes.