SIPPO virtual capacity building session with partner BSOs on BIOFACH 2020, post trade fair evaluation and follow-up.

Following the successful participation, with the first South African country pavilion at Biofach 2020, SIPPO South Africa organised capacity building, undertaken virtually for 3 BSOs on 3 April 2020, on the important subjects of evaluation and follow-up after trade fair participation.
The participation of 16 South African exhibiting firms with organically certified products from the natural ingredients sector, on the official South African country pavilion at Biofach 2020, has been described by both the participating firms and BSOs as both very beneficial and promising for future business prospects.
In an effort to build on this participation at BIOFACH 2020 and to maximise the possibilities of future business from the trade fair, SIPPO organised this training session for the 3 BSOs – the dti, WESGRO and TIKZN, in order for them to support their member firms in following up enquiries in the most effective manner. This can also prepare the BSOs to possibly grow South African participation at the world’s largest trade fair for organic products in the future.
The training session was conducted by the same SIPPO international sector expert who assisted the BSOs and firms in preparation for their participation at Biofach 2020, as well as on site, at the trade fair. It incorporated SIPPO developed TPC material on trade fair evaluation and follow up and concentrated on the following critical aspects: the role of the BSO in follow up and evaluation, follow up with co-exhibitors to review their performance at Biofach and provide support if required to close the deal, CRM update of the database, planning ahead for Biofach 2021 and what can be done in a COVID-19 context.
The SIPPO transferred know-how and support was highly appreciated by the partner BSOs, the dti, WESGRO and TIKZN and will lead to efforts in moving to reaching the mastering level of BSOs in trade fair participation.