CEPEX and APIA: Gain visibility and support their members at Food Ingredients Europe 2023.
From 28 to 30 November, SIPPO and its partner BSOs focused on bringing together the world's leading food and drink importers, buyers, natural ingredients experts and processors to carry out an in-depth assessment of the sector's orientation in order to define their strategy for promoting Tunisian products in the food and health sectors.

SIPPO supported its partners throughout the process of making the FiHiE 2023 edition a success by assisting the BSOs in coaching the companies before the Fair, identifying their expectations from the market orientation tour during the fair and successfully holding the planned meetings with target contacts, as well as meeting their needs from the networking established during FiHiE.
In addition, the partnership between SIPPO and IPD was further strengthened and enriched by the success of their complementary support to APIA and CEPEX during the Food and Health Ingredients 2023 trade fair. Both programmes were able to support their partner BSOs in their very recent integration into the exhibition as national pavilion organisers and in promoting Tunisia as a natural source of ingredients.